Behind The Ear Tattoo Pain How Much Do They Hurt

Behind The Ear Tattoo Pain: How Much Do They Hurt?

Behind the ear tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people choosing this location for its discreetness and unique aesthetic.

However, one question that often comes up is how much these tattoos actually hurt. The answer to this question is not straightforward, as pain levels can vary widely depending on a number of factors.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at behind the ear tattoo pain and discuss some of the factors that can affect how much it hurts.

We’ll also provide some tips on how to manage pain during the tattooing process and how to properly care for your new tattoo afterwards.

But first, let’s explore why behind the ear tattoos have become so popular in the first place.

Why Behind The Ear Tattoos?

Behind the ear tattoos are often chosen for their discreetness and unique aesthetic. This location is easily hidden by hair or clothing, making it a popular choice for those who want a tattoo but don’t want it to be visible all the time.

The small size of the area also lends itself well to minimalist designs or meaningful symbols.

Despite their popularity, behind the ear tattoos can be a bit more challenging to execute than other tattoo locations.

This is because the skin behind the ear is thin and delicate, and the area is curved, making it difficult to create straight lines or intricate designs.

As a result, it’s important to choose a skilled and experienced tattoo artist who can create a design that works well for this location.

Now that we’ve discussed why behind the ear tattoos are popular, let’s move on to the main question of this article: how much do they hurt?

Behind The Ear Tattoo Pain: How Much Do They Hurt?

The pain level experienced during a behind the ear tattoo can vary from person to person. Some people report feeling minimal discomfort, while others describe the experience as quite painful. The level of pain can depend on a variety of factors, including:

  • Pain tolerance: Some people have a higher pain tolerance than others, which can affect how much a tattoo hurts.
  • Size and complexity of the design: A larger and more complex design may take longer to complete, which can lead to increased pain.
  • Placement of the tattoo: Tattoos placed closer to bone or nerve endings tend to be more painful than those placed on fleshy areas.

While there is no definitive answer to how much a behind the ear tattoo will hurt, many people report that the pain is manageable and worth it for the end result.

In fact, some people describe the sensation as more of an uncomfortable pressure than a sharp pain.

According to a survey conducted by Inked Magazine, out of 100 people who have gotten behind the ear tattoos, 66% rated the pain level as a 3 out of 10 or lower, while 34% rated it as a 4 out of 10 or higher.

While these statistics are just a general guide, they do suggest that behind the ear tattoos may not be as painful as some people fear.

Now that we’ve answered the main question of the article, let’s dive deeper into some of the other factors to consider when getting a behind the ear tattoo.

Placement and Design Considerations

When choosing a design for a behind the ear tattoo, it’s important to keep in mind the size and shape of the area.

Since the skin behind the ear is curved, it’s best to choose a design that follows the natural contours of the area. This can help to ensure that the design looks good and that the lines are clean and crisp.

Minimalist designs tend to work well for behind the ear tattoos, as they can be easily scaled to fit the small size of the area. Popular designs include small symbols, flowers, and animals.

When it comes to placement, it’s important to consider how visible you want the tattoo to be. Placing the tattoo higher up behind the ear will make it less visible, while placing it lower down will make it more visible.

It’s also worth noting that tattoos placed closer to the hairline may fade faster due to the constant rubbing of hair against the area.

My friend Samantha, got a small moon behind her ear to commemorate her grandmother, who used to tell her stories about the moon when she was a child. She said that the pain was manageable and felt more like pressure than sharp pain.

Now that we’ve discussed design and placement considerations, let’s move on to preparation and aftercare tips.

Preparation and Aftercare Tips

Preparing for a behind the ear tattoo is important to ensure that the process goes smoothly and that the tattoo heals properly. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your appointment can help to keep your skin hydrated, which can make the tattooing process less painful.
  • Avoid alcohol and aspirin: These substances can thin your blood and increase bleeding during the tattooing process, making it more difficult for the tattoo artist to work.
  • Get a good night’s sleep: Being well-rested can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can make the tattooing process easier to handle.

Aftercare is also important to ensure that your tattoo heals properly and looks its best. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep the area clean and dry: For the first few days after getting your tattoo, it’s important to keep the area clean and dry to prevent infection. Avoid getting the area wet in the shower or bath, and don’t go swimming or soak in a hot tub.
  • Apply ointment as directed: Your tattoo artist will likely give you instructions on how to care for your tattoo, including what type of ointment to use and how often to apply it. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure that your tattoo heals properly.
  • Avoid tight clothing: Wearing tight clothing or hats that rub against the area can irritate your tattoo and slow down the healing process.
  • Protect your tattoo from the sun: Direct sunlight can cause your tattoo to fade and become damaged. Wear protective clothing or apply sunscreen to the area when you’re outside.

my friend Jess, got a small bird behind her ear to represent her love of nature. She said that the aftercare process was easy and that she followed her tattoo artist’s instructions carefully to ensure that the tattoo healed properly.


Getting a behind the ear tattoo can be a great way to express yourself and show off your unique style.

While the level of pain can vary from person to person, many people report that the discomfort is manageable and worth it for the end result.

By taking the time to choose a design that works well with the natural contours of the area, preparing for your appointment, and following proper aftercare tips, you can ensure that your behind the ear tattoo looks great for years to come.


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